
Screening of "Shore Stories"

Written by Nicole Martensen | Feb 11, 2018 6:15:10 AM

sunday, march 4th
doors open 1:30pm / film starts at 2:00pm
North Coast Brewing Co. Taproom & Grill - Sequoia Room
444 North Main Street, Fort Bragg
free admission

In January 2018, the current administration proposed to dramatically expand offshore drilling off every coast — in the Pacific, Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Arctic. The draft proposal for offshore leasing over the next five years shows that the Trump administration is serious about giving the fossil fuel industry exactly what it wants: unrestricted access to oil and gas reserves buried deep under our oceans. If allowed to stand, the plan will hurt wildlife and coastal communities, and risk even more oil spills and sea-level rise. We can't let that happen.

Join us for Shore Stories, a 30-minute collection of six short films that highlight the grassroots resistance taking place across the US, as well as stories from past oil and gas exploration – including the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. After the films we’ll discuss the proposal and how you can get involved in resisting these harmful plans.

We are co-hosting this event with Noyo Center for Marine Science. All donations will benefit Noyo Center's "Help The Kelp" program. Seating is limited so plan on arriving early.  A select menu will be available.