
Surfrider Minutes - January 26th, 2013

Written by Mendocino County Surfriders | Feb 1, 2013 6:59:08 AM

Present: Pam, Jackie, Walt, Mark, Bob, Victoria, Michael

Minutes of last meeting approved.

Treasurer's Report - Jackie - No changes in our account. Balance is $2892. Bob will take over Treasurer's job from Jackie.

Membership Report - No report available. Pam will take over Membership job from Julie.


Blue Water Task Force - Testing will start later this year, in the Spring.
Tentative Water Testers:
Virgin Creek - Victoria, Skip
Hare Creek - Walt
Caspar - Talk to Melissa re. volunteer from Caspar Store

Coastal Access: Virgin Creek - Bob
Bob presented a plan to approach the owner of the two parcels of land where the access trail is located, to see if they would be interested in donating the land to the Golden State Land Conservancy. This could be used as a tax write-off for the current owner. If the Golden State Land Conservancy could gain ownership, it would then organize the sale of the parcel to a private party, to construct a residence, with restrictions preserving open land, an access trail, and parking (or space available for parking at a future time). All members present agreed that this is a good idea, and would be worth a try!

Old Business: Assist MLT with Coastal Trail Monitoring, maintenance and maps - Walt
New Trail Maps were presented.

New Business: Tsunami debris beach clean-ups - Walt
Clean-up plan discussion - The state is funding four clean-up days(Mar./June/Sept./Dec.) in the year 2013. $500. per clean-up day isavailable to the group (from Ca. Coastal Commission).The concept is that this will help monitor what has washed up, as well as
removing any possible debris/trash from the beach. Pam will look into borrowing a geiger counter. Michael will talk to Andy about creating a T-Shirt for volunteers.

Our Next Meeting: Sat., April 27, 5:00