
Mendocino Surfrider Foundation Minutes

Written by Mendocino County Surfriders | Dec 6, 2008 11:59:04 PM

Meeting held at Walt and Jackie’s, 4:00 pm, followed by a potluck dinner.


Present: Walt, Jackie, Jack C., Bea C., Rodney, Julie, Pam, Bob W., Joan, Melissa, John, Matt, Andy H., Dave W., Wyatt, Chet, Agnes L., Michael B., Kim B., Kevin B., Carolyn, Carlan


Minutes of last meeting approved.


Treasurer’s Report: Jackie Dooley - Balance is $2177.77


Membership Report: Julie Rogers - Total: 59 memberships (some individual, some business, some family)


Blue Water Task Force: Rod has stepped in to do water testing, in Jackie’s place. Dave W. has written an article for Making Waves; Julie & Rod will send a water testing photo to include with the article.


Coastal Access: Bob W. reports that Smuggler’s Cove is not for sale. (The sign seen there is for a property on Chapman’s Point) The lot will be built upon, no surfer trail is likely. Bill will try to get more information (owners’ name is Pauli). Bob W. reported on the Jeter property sale – California State Parks has approved the acquisition of the Jeter Property. The Coastal Conservancy will pay ½ the appraisal cost with the property owners (Jeter) paying the other ½. The surfer trail is not in jeopardy. He expressed gratitude to Marilyn Murphy, the District State Park Superintendent for the Mendocino District.


Wave Energy update: Mike B. was not present to report. Dave W. explained Wave Shock and how it will affect the ocean environment if wave strength is diminished.


Surfari: Motion approved to have Surfari at the Caspar Community Center. Surfari planning meeting will be held January 17 at 4 p.m. at the Dooley’s. The following members volunteered to help with Surfari: Dave W., Rod, Julie, Jack, Andy, John, Pam, Kevin, Bill, Wyatt, Chet. (more helpers are needed!). Dave volunteered to call a band to get information. Discussion took place regarding raffle (a big moneymaker). Suggestions were made to use chapter money to buy longboard and/or gift certificates for wetsuits to use as raffle items.


Open Discussion: Dave W. proposed that a blog be established on the local chapter website, especially to connect with younger surfers. Discussion ensued. A decision was made to try the blog out on a test basis. A suggestion was made and approved to pay for the website out of the chapter treasury, $240 a year paid in advance. Kevin suggests soliciting advertisements and/or donations from local businesses to help pay for the website.


Next Meeting: March 7 at 4 p.m., at Walt and Jackie’s house (thank you, Walt and Jackie!).